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Book summaries in 30 minutes

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Interactive quizzes for retention

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📊 Let's Run the Numbers...

You’re already investing your time and money into learning. Growth Summary can help you avoid wasting time on books that aren't worth it.

Typical Book

200+ pages
10-15 hours
Read text

Growth Summary

30 minutes
Best Lessons
Read, listen, cheatsheet, quiz, recommendations, etc.

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Your Savings:

240 hours per year

$480 per year

(Based on saving 10 hours and $20 per book read)

Growth Summary costs just a fraction of what you're probably ALREADY spending! Doesn't it make sense to sign up today and start growing your business faster?

Frequently Asked Questions

How are the summaries created?

Our team has spent thousands of hours reading and distilling the best insights from top books across various genres. Each summary is crafted by our team to highlight actionable ideas and key takeaways, ensuring you get maximum value in 15 minutes or more.

How can I cancel my subscription?

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Is there a limit to how many book summaries I can read per month?

Nope! Once you subscribe, enjoy unlimited access to all our book summaries. Happy reading!

Will the book summaries be updated regularly? Can I suggest books?

Yes, new book summaries are added monthly. Premium members can also suggest books. While we can’t cover every title, we consider all requests.

Can I access my summaries offline?

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