The 12 Best Negotiation Books of All Time (2024)

Welcome to our Best Negotiation Books Collection. Here you’ll find summaries of the best books on negotiation, perfect for anyone looking to master the art of deal-making and influence. Whether you’re navigating high-stakes business deals or everyday conversations, these must-read books offer proven strategies and insights.

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Never Split the Difference shows how to win negotiations and communicate more influentially. Chris Voss perfected his techniques over 25 years at the FBI, negotiating with kidnappers and terrorists. He says we should work with emotions not just reason, demonstrate empathy, use open-ended questions and educate ourselves about cognitive biases.
Getting to Yes is the most important book on negotiation, according to many professionals. It comes from leaders of The Harvard Negotiation Project, who wanted to help people negotiate agreements with less time and friction. The four steps of the method are: people, interests, options and criteria.
Influence is about six principles of persuasion useful for sales, marketing, and negotiation. Professor Robert Cialdini backs his ideas with a lot of science research. The six principles are: reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority and scarcity.
"What Every BODY Is Saying" by Joe Navarro is a guide to understanding body language, written by a former FBI agent. The book offers science-backed insights to help you communicate better and read people's nonverbal signals to understand their true thoughts and feelings.
Crucial Conversations teaches you how to handle difficult conversations at work and home, especially when people have opposing opinions, strong feelings, and the outcome matters. The book gives you tools and strategies to speak honestly yet respectfully, so you can communicate your thoughts and needs, while maintaining good relationships.
Pre-Suasion shows a new side of influence. It's about everything that happens BEFORE you ask someone to say yes to your proposal. Professor Robert Cialdini has distilled hundreds of scientific studies to prove that how you FRAME a message from the beginning is crucial to its success.
Thinking, Fast and Slow explains how people make decisions using two mental systems: "fast" thinking is instinctive and emotional, while "slow" thinking is deliberate and logical. Daniel Kahneman helps us understand our when our mind fall into common biases and irrational shortcuts, so we can make better decisions in the future.
Trump: The Art of the Deal is a memoir from Donald Trump that gives us an inside look at his earlier real estate career, building his empire that includes skyscrapers and casinos. Whether you love or hate Trump, you'll learn a lot about business, publicity and negotiation.
Nonviolent Communication shows us how to have healthy relationships through openly and honestly communicating our observations, feelings, needs and requests. This book can help us move past dysfunctional communication habits we learned growing up including guilt tripping, being passive aggressive, blaming, labelling and judging others as good or bad.
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie is a classic self-help book that offers practical tips for better communication and relationships. It teaches key principles for handling people, making friends, influencing others, and becoming a respected leader. The book highlights the importance of empathy, respect, and appreciation.
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene is a self-help book that explains how powerful people have gained and maintained their control over the centuries. While controversial for its manipulative tactics, this book also shares eye-opening insights into history, strategy, and human nature.
To Sell Is Human is about "non-sales selling" or, how to persuade others. Daniel Pink argues that sales skills are more essential than ever because "moving others" has become a part of most careers and businesses. His advice centers on the new ABCs: Attunement, Buoyancy and Clarity.