The 28 Best Psychology Books of All Time (2024)

Welcome to our Best Psychology Books Collection. Here you’ll find summaries of the best books on psychology, including top books on human behavior, understanding the mind, and psychology for beginners.

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Maps of Meaning says that myths have a tremendous unseen value. They laid the foundation for large, stable and successful civilizations that lasted thousands of years. Myths also provide time-tested wisdom to help us eradicate evil in the social world, and move past unpredictable catastrophes in our personal lives.
Pre-Suasion shows a new side of influence. It's about everything that happens BEFORE you ask someone to say yes to your proposal. Professor Robert Cialdini has distilled hundreds of scientific studies to prove that how you FRAME a message from the beginning is crucial to its success.
Atomic Habits by James Clear is about how small 1% improvements in our daily habits can lead to remarkable results and change your life. This is a practical guide to building good habits and breaking bad habits. The Four Laws of Behaviour Change say to make good habits: obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying.
The Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg is a deep dive into the science of how habits work. If you want to change your habits but don't know where to start, this book can help you. It provides a simple 3-step formula called "The Habit Loop" to break bad habits and build better ones.
The Power of Myth explores how stories shape our perception of the world, and why myths continue to be relevant in providing direction to our lives in modern times. Joseph Campbell explains universal lessons from myths, like discovering our personal "Hero's Journey" and following our bliss.
The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest is a guide to stop self-sabotage and build the life you want. It shows how to change emotional habits blocking growth, let go of the past, imagine your future self, and separate good intuition from bad intrusive thoughts.
"The Design of Everyday Things" by Don Norman explains the principles of good design and usability. The book outlines a process for creating products, services, and apps that are intuitive and user-friendly by taking into account human psychology. It also identifies common design mistakes that make products frustrating to use and offers solutions to avoid these pitfalls.
Crucial Conversations teaches you how to handle difficult conversations at work and home, especially when people have opposing opinions, strong feelings, and the outcome matters. The book gives you tools and strategies to speak honestly yet respectfully, so you can communicate your thoughts and needs, while maintaining good relationships.
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman explains that people show and feel love in five main ways: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. By figuring out which of these love languages matter most to you and your partner, you can enrich your marriage or relationship by showing love in the way that makes each other feel most appreciated and loved.
Hooked is a guide for product designers, marketers, and entrepreneurs, showing them how to create digital products that are engaging, compelling, and habit-forming. Nir Eyal reveals how big tech companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook keep us coming back to their apps daily. His "Hooked Model" has 4 stages: trigger, action, variable reward, and investment.
Nonviolent Communication shows us how to have healthy relationships through openly and honestly communicating our observations, feelings, needs and requests. This book can help us move past dysfunctional communication habits we learned growing up including guilt tripping, being passive aggressive, blaming, labelling and judging others as good or bad.
Grit says being a top achiever is less about natural talent and more about your "grit," which means working consistently and staying interested in one direction for multiple years. Angela Duckworth shares research on how we can become grittier, and help others do so too.
Essentialism by Greg McKeown is a productivity book that helps you get more done by doing less. It teaches you to focus only on what’s really important and say no to things that distract you. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by too many tasks, you'll learn how to prioritize and concentrate on what truly matters in your life and work.