Best Relationships Books: 4-Day Relationships Challenge

Day 1

Nonviolent Communication shows us how to have healthy relationships through openly and honestly communicating our observations, feelings, needs and requests.

This book can help us move past dysfunctional communication habits we learned growing up including guilt tripping, being passive aggressive, blaming, labelling and judging others as good or bad.

"Most of us grew up speaking a language that encourages us to label, compare, demand, and pronounce judgments rather than to be aware of what we are feeling and needing." —Marshall B. Rosenberg

Why read it?

"Nonviolent Communication" could be the first step towards fundamentally changing how you communicate.

The book shines a light on how everyday language, filled with judgments, comparisons, and demands, can push us away from connecting with our own and others' humanity—kind of like trying to hug a cactus. 🌵

Day 2

The Four Agreements shows how to love yourself more, not take things personally, and heal your relationships.

Don Miguel Ruiz shares wisdom from the indigenous Mexican Toltec culture to help us stop living in this false "dream" of social rules, expectations and judgments.

"Real love is accepting other people the way they are without trying to change them." —Don Miguel Ruiz
Day 3

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** is like your smart but impolite friend explaining some great lessons from philosophy.

Mark Manson shows how to live by your values so you can act with less hesitation, do what's most important to you, and stop worrying what people think.

"Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for." —Mark Manson
Day 4

"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman explains that people show and feel love in five main ways: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

By figuring out which of these love languages matter most to you and your partner, you can enrich your marriage or relationship by showing love in the way that makes each other feel most appreciated and loved.

"Our most basic emotional need is not to fall in love but to be genuinely loved by another, to know a love that grows out of reason and choice, not instinct. I need to be loved by someone who chooses to love me, who sees in me something worth loving." —Gary Chapman

Why read it?

Ever wondered why your big romantic gestures don't always hit the mark?

This book could be the Rosetta Stone you need for deciphering the language of love.

Chapman's insight into how people give and receive love using 5 different "languages" can transform relationships, helping you understand your loved ones better.

📚 Bonus Books: These are extra recommendations to go beyond your challenge!
Day 5

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is about understanding the differences between men and women, so we can communicate better with our partner.

John Gray says that in a relationship, men primarily need trust, acceptance and appreciation, while women need caring, understanding, and emotional validation

"Men are motivated when they feel needed while women are motivated when they feel cherished." —John Gray

Why read it?

This classic guide delves into the mysterious differences between the sexes, offering insights that can turn baffling alien signals into clear messages of love and understanding.

So, if you're ready to end the interplanetary cold war in your living room, embark on this journey of discovery. 💑

Day 6

Crucial Conversations teaches you how to handle difficult conversations at work and home, especially when people have opposing opinions, strong feelings, and the outcome matters.

The book gives you tools and strategies to speak honestly yet respectfully, so you can communicate your thoughts and needs, while maintaining good relationships.

"People who are skilled at dialogue do their best to make it safe for everyone to add their meaning to the shared pool—even ideas that at first glance appear controversial, wrong, or at odds with their own beliefs." —Kerry Patterson

Why read it?

Crucial Conversations equips you with practical tools to handle challenging conversations gracefully and effectively.

Whether it's a tough talk with a colleague, a heart-to-heart with a loved one, or negotiating in high-stress situations, this book helps you stay composed and achieve the best possible outcomes.

It's a must-read for anyone looking to improve their communication skills and build stronger relationships.